Electric towel rails
Electric towel warmers put the style at the front and centre of a bathroom and or kitchen. Completely electric, they allow for easy installation and are aesthetically pleasing due to hidden connection mounts
Electric towel rails
Decorative and practical heating solution
Ranging from a single bar to ladder style towel rails and the Figuresse electric design radiators, there’s always an electric towel radiator that suits your style and streamlines your bathroom’s interior design. This way you can enjoy a versatile heating system that’s easy on the eyes and offers energy-efficient heating on a daily basis. On top of that, an electric towel rail will also help you to declutter your bathroom as you can easily leave your damp towels on the bathroom radiator to dry.
Easy installation
Just like other electric radiators, electric towel rails are very easy to install since they don’t require any plumbing work. An electrical connection is all you need to power the electrical bathroom radiator. This will ensure that the electric heating element can work its magic and you can easily boost the bathroom temperature whenever you want. The electronic thermostat will monitor the ambient temperature precisely to make sure the room is not overheated and valuable energy isn’t wasted.
Independent heating
Because an electric towel rail runs independently from the central heating system, it’s extremely easy to enjoy a comfortable and cosy warmth in the bathroom without having to heat the entire house. This also means that there’s no heat loss from the pipework or the boiler and you can just turn on the electric towel rail whenever you need it without having to worry about valuable energy being lost. The electric radiator will convert all the input energy into heat so that it’s 100% efficient at point of use.
Maximum comfort
Although it takes up little space, it’s clear that an electric towel rail makes the bathroom much more comfortable to use. It reaches the desired temperature quickly and ensures an energy-efficient and cost-effective use whenever it’s needed. In bathrooms designed to relax and escape the hustle and bustle of every day life, one of our electric design towel warmers is the perfect decorative element to add that finishing touch to the bathroom’s interior.