Control your heating software "Touch E3" on distance through laptop or smart phone
Touch E3 helps to reduce heating costs by simply controlling the heat in the home. This means that you can keep a lower indoor temperature when you are away but at the same time have perfect heating comfort when you return home. Another feature is that you can now see your energy consumption for each room / zone via Touch E3 heating software.
For the CleverTouch Gen.2 app and browser view to work, software version 03.05 or later must be installed on your Touch E3. With the new version v305, the Touch E3 connects to a new more powerful server. This also requires you to download our new mobile app "CleverTouch Gen.2" You can also use your browser (Google Chrome or Firefox) at
When updating your Touch E3 heating software follow the manual.

CleverTouch for smart phones
Control the heat from your laptop