• Better integration
  • References
  • Radiators
  • Renovation

Purmo convector radiators ensure year-round comfort in sustainable holiday apartments

Regardless of whether we’re travelling in summer or winter, most of us much appreciate a comfortable place to rest and recharge while on holiday. The owners of the ‘Zum Rittergut 17’ holiday apartments in Germany understood this very well as they equipped their 5 renovated units with our iVector S2 convector radiator and Rolljet underfloor heating system. This combination fits perfectly with their sustainability vision and allows their guests to enjoy indoor climate comfort year round.
Purmo heating solutions in German holiday apartments

Renovated holiday home

The building that houses the 5 apartments is located on a plot of approximately 2700 m2 in Kreipitzsch, a small community situated south-west of Leipzig. It was originally built in 1949 but underwent a complete renovation in 2023. Energy efficiency was an important factor in this as the goal was to create a building that is 90% energy-neutral. Electricity is now, for example, generated on site with a photovoltaic system and excess energy is stored for later use. The heating system is driven by a heat pump, allowing for low-temperature heating with renewable energy. As the heat pump is operated with electricity generated on site, heating costs are reduced considerable. Ideally, the heat pump will even operate independently and free of charge.

To efficiently transfer the heat to the rooms, the owners opted for a combination our Rolljet underfloor heating system with PexPenta heating pipes and iVector S2 convector radiators. Both are a great fit for the low system temperatures (35/28/20°C) and ensure the heat pump is able to operate at maximum efficiency.

Rolljet underfloor heating with PexPenta pipes from Purmo

The basis of the heating system in the holiday apartments is our Rolljet underfloor heating system with PexPenta heating pipes.

Underfloor heating

The basis of the heating system in the holiday apartments is our Rolljet underfloor heating system. The supporting element of this underfloor heating is a polystyrene hard foam insulation roll on which an anchoring mesh is glued. On this, PexPenta heating pipes are stapled with clips, using a tacker. Thanks to the composite anchoring mesh, the pipes remain anchored when the cement screed is poured. The line pattern printed on the foil facilitates correct routing.

The underfloor heating system is a great match for the low flow temperatures of the heat pump. This efficient combination allows the building owners to reduce their dependence on finite energy sources, lower their carbon footprint and limit overall costs. They installed a total of 150 m2 underfloor heating, mainly in the bathrooms and one living room.

Discover our various radiant heating systems

Convector radiators to heat and cool

In addition to providing a pleasant, consistent warmth, the underfloor heating system also supports the iVector S2 fan convectors that are installed in the living room, bathroom and bedroom(s) of the 5 apartments. These were chosen in particular because of their ability to both heat and cool in combination with a heat pump. A feature that was very important for the owners as the holiday apartments are very well booked throughout the year. This way guests can enjoy pleasant indoor temperatures in summer as well by simply switching the device to cooling mode.

Another important feature of the iVector convector radiators is their combination of low water content and axial fans. This means the fan convectors are able to provide heat almost instantaneously and require a minimum amount of energy to operate. The fast response times are appreciated by guests who can enjoy indoor climate comfort almost instantaneously when they return from their daytime outings, restaurant visits or evening walks.

The combination of convection heat from the iVector S2 and radiation heat from the underfloor heating system is perfect to supply highly responsive yet lasting warmth so that comfort is always guaranteed at the highest energy efficiency. This benefits guests, owners and the planet because since the apartments reopened, energy savings of as much as 85% have been recorded.

iVector S2 fan convector in living room holiday apartment iVector S2 fan convector in bedroom holiday apartment

 iVector S2 fan convectors are installed in the living room, bathroom and bedroom(s) of the 5 apartments.

Many hands make light work

The old adage "many hands make light work" is as true today as it has always been. Therefore, to make this project a success, we were happy to lend a hand. Our experts consulted to ensure the best products were chosen to fit both the apartments’ interior and the owners’ sustainability goals. We also provided support in correctly dimensioning the underfloor heating and convector radiators to ensure they are able to provide sufficient heating and cooling for the rooms they are installed in.

Discover all our tools and services

On site, BGH - Breitfeld Gerber Haustechnik GmbH made sure everything was installed and connected properly. Mr. Breitfeld is one of the managing directors of this company specialising in electrical and plumbing installations. In the past they already installed Purmo products, including the iVector S2 and our underfloor heating systems, in various projects. Their positive experience with our solutions and the convector radiator’s ability to both heat and cool convinced Mr. Breitfeld to also install these products in his own holiday apartments for rent. He says: “I was very impressed by the attractive, compact design, the high heat output and the whisper-quiet operation of the iVector S2. The fact that it provides heating as well as cooling is the icing on the cake.”

Are you also looking for heating and/or cooling solutions that fit your project perfectly? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts. We’ll happily answer any questions you might have and provide tailored advice.

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