Purmo awarded Silver and Bronze in EcoVadis 2022 sustainability ratings
As a leader in sustainable indoor climate comfort solutions, we are proud to see several of our plants awarded with an excellent sustainability rating.
"The Indoors" is our knowledge and inspiration center for both end users and professionals. Here you will find news, blog posts and articles from Purmo providing you inspiration and knowledge about different heating and cooling systems. You will also find inspiration for stylish and energy-efficient solutions for a sustainable indoor climate in your project or your home.
The categories include sizing of products and energy efficiency, product news, references, renovation and some of our main product groups such as radiators, underfloor heating and towel rails. Under Insights you will find interesting articles and studies about heating, cooling and ventilation.
As a leader in sustainable indoor climate comfort solutions, we are proud to see several of our plants awarded with an excellent sustainability rating.
To asses and offer complete transparency about the environmental impact of our products, we have started to collect Environmental Product Declarations (EDP).
As a leading supplier of sustainable indoor climate comfort solutions we were happy to contribute to the City Gate with almost 2300 Thermopanel V4 radiators.
New controls on our Yali Plus radiators help to generate more energy savings with precision temperature setting and digital protocols facilitate custom heating.
Various team members of our French branch volunteered during Citizens’ Week to collect litter to help preserve their local nature.
Hydronic balancing with radiator valves is an easy way to save energy on a daily basis. Find out how this works and how much energy can be saved.
This year the colleagues from our Swedish branch have decided that their Christmas gift goes to the organisation ‘Min Stora Dag’, which translates to ‘My Special Day’.
This year the Purmo brand is celebrating its 30th anniversary on the Polish market. To honour the occasion, our Polish employees decided to plant a row of 30 trees alongside a new bicycle path in Rybnik.
For us sustainability is also about the wellbeing of our people and the communities in which we operate. That’s why it’s been so rewarding for team members from our Benelux branch to do volunteer work.
The share of renewable energy used for heating and cooling must rise. Which solutions are available for heating a building with renewable energy?
When talking about behavioural changes, it’s the thermostat that’s one of the most important instruments to help save energy on a daily basis.
This day highlights the need for increased awareness around climate preservation and the impact of our actions. The fight against global warming is one that concerns us all.
We continue to innovate and improve our products. This also applies to the middle connection radiators, whose latest generation makes installation even easier.