Electric heating tips

Electric heating generates heat directly into the room and is connected directly to the mains. Thanks to this, the installation is very affordable. Purmo's electric radiators filled with vegetable-friendly oil have an electronic thermostat that quickly and efficiently creates an ideal indoor comfort. Read more about Purmos electric heating tips here!
Below you can read many inspirational posts by our heat experts regarding electrical heating in homes and apartments, what to consider when renovating, posts about electricity consumption and so on. Read more here about the benefits of electric heating.
Optimal living comfort thanks to planning and controlling the indoor climate

How to plan and control the indoor climate for optimal living comfort

Every building is unique. The same applies to the heating and cooling system. That’s why there are so many factors to consider to ensure optimal living comfort.

Work smarter
Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
Underfloor heating
Electric radiators Yali bedroom

Yali Plus: electric radiators that take sustainability up a notch

New controls on our Yali Plus radiators help to generate more energy savings with precision temperature setting and digital protocols facilitate custom heating.

Electrical heating
Product info
Energy saving
Improve efficiency
Our solutions
heat a building with renewable energy

3 ways to heat a building with renewable energy

The share of renewable energy used for heating and cooling must rise. Which solutions are available for heating a building with renewable energy?

Energy saving
Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
vertical designer radiators interior design

Vertical designer radiators: the versatile interior design upgrade

Vertical designer radiators are more popular than ever now everyone is discovering their versatile benefits for both new buildings and renovation projects.

Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
Advice on how to get your heating system ready for the heating season

15 tips to get your heating system ready for the heating season

With these heating system maintenance tips you’ll be ready for those first chilly days and can easily keep yourself and your family warm when you need it most.

Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
Slim towel warmer designer bathroom radiator

Figuresse: modern bathroom radiators with an award-winning design and an eye for sustainability

The stylish Figuresse bathroom radiators give that finishing touch to a bathroom interior with a mix of modern design trends and sustainable materials.

Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
guide to choosing the right oil filled electric radiator

A guide to choosing the right oil filled radiator

With the help of this guide, you’ll quickly determine the best oil filled radiator for a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor climate.

Electrical heating
Energy saving
replace electric radiators to improve indoor climate

Replacing old electric radiators to improve the indoor climate

There are very good reasons to replace old electric radiators with modern ones and these have everything to do with energy efficiency and an optimal indoor climate.

Electrical heating
Design radiators for every interior style

Designer radiators to match every interior style

Since the introduction of designer radiators, they play an important role in interior design and are a perfect match for any style.

Electrical heating
Hydronic heating
Energy-efficient electric heating

Electric heating: greener than most people think

Electric heating still has an image problem. However, in times of well-insulated, energy-efficient houses, the modern electric radiator scores points on many levels.

Electrical heating
Energy saving
basement renovation ideas

Important HVAC considerations for a basement renovation

Basement renovation ideas often centre around extra living and storage space. Heating solutions for the basement, however, are regularly overlooked.

Hydronic heating
Electrical heating
Radiator safety tips

4 radiator safety tips

To ensure radiator safety, we’ve listed 4 practical tips that will help you to feel safe and enjoy a comfortable indoor climate at all times.

Hydronic heating
Electrical heating
Heating solutions attic renovation

Renovating your attic? Consider these heating solutions

Depending on your personal needs and the structural possibilities, one of the following solutions might just be the perfect addition to your attic renovation ideas.

Electrical heating
Hydronic heating